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HMW Voting

Core Method
Collected by Google

HMW voting is a Design Sprint method used to prioritize identified opportunities. The exercise typically follows Affinity Mapping.

Once the team has completed Affinity Mapping and defined useful categories, the team votes on which opportunities they feel are most important. The main goal of voting is to highlight the most compelling opportunity areas for your users and help the team focus on the best ideas. The team is not trying to narrow down to one idea, but rather to quickly prioritize across all opportunities. Do not spend too much time on this activity.

5 mins
Sprint Type


  • Each team member gets three votes, represented by dots they will add to the sticky notes they like
  • People are allowed to vote on their own sticky notes
  • It is okay to put more than one of your dots on the same note
  • Vote on the individual notes, not categories
  • The team will pay more attention to the sticky notes with multiple dots
  • You’re not trying to narrow down to just one direction or category. Instead, you’re highlighting areas of emphasis to consider as your Sprint moves forward