Abstraction Laddering

LUMA Institute
Empowering innovation around the world

Abstraction Laddering is a way of reconsidering a problem statement by broadening or narrowing its focus.

What distinguishes great leaders isn’t that they are first-rate at solving problems, but that they are first-rate at solving the right problems. Most breakthroughs do not begin at the moment of idea conception; rather, they begin the moment the problem is framed in such a way as to allow the concept to emerge.

Abstraction Laddering provides a template for considering a given challenge statement at different levels of focus. When you are seeking more visionary solutions, it can help to step back and look at the issue more broadly. Moving up the ladder by asking Why? allows you to expand the scope of your inquiry.

On the other hand, when your scope is so broad that you don’t even know how to get started, moving down the ladder helps to tighten your focus. By asking How?, the problem is framed more concretely, giving you a more specific challenge to explore.


  • Challenges your preconceptions
  • Helps you refocus a problem statement
  • Builds a shared understanding
  • Provides a direction for problem-solving
45–60 mins
Sprint Type


  1. Identify an initial problem statement.
  2. Make a laddering worksheet (rungs as blank spaces). Write your initial statement on the middle rung.
  3. Explore various options for revising the statement.
  4. Move up the ladder by asking Why? Consider the options (broader than the initial one).
  5. Move down the ladder by asking How? Consider the options (narrower than the initial one).
  6. Discuss and decide which option to use for ideation. In the end, the initial statement might be the best.