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Job Stories

Neha Saigal
Founder & CEO of N5

The job story has its roots in Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) which is a theory that aims to explain why consumers buy and use products. The idea behind jobs is that people hire products to get some sort of job done. JTBD focuses on a customer’s motivations and situations rather than attributes and job stories are a great way to design for motivation. Written from the customer’s perspective, the format for a job story is “[When______] [I want to_____] [so I can_____]”. “When” refers to the context, “I want to” elaborates on the motivation, “so I can” refers to the desired outcome.

You can find more resources here at N5 Design & Innovation

45-60 mins
Sprint Type


  • Get someone on the team to share the customer perspective
  • Individually write down job stories in the format “[When______] [I want to_____] [so I can_____]”. Write one job story per sticky note
  • Stick them up on the whiteboard
  • Categorize job stories into themes, removing duplicates
  • Name categories, discuss and rearrange as needed
  • Select the job stories that seem most critical