Dot Vote

Core Method
Collected by Google

Dot Vote is a Design Sprint method to achieve group consensus around a single idea to address the Design Sprint focus. Before voting begins, review the criteria for selecting an idea to prototype. It’s helpful to remind the team of the business problem, goal, and deliverables, as well as success metrics and sprint questions. If a clear consensus can’t be achieved, use the other methods provided in this section.

Per person: 3 mins
Sprint Type


  1. Hang everyone’s sketches up on a wall in the same way art is presented in a gallery or museum
  2. Each person has three minutes to present their solution
  3. The team can ask questions or discuss details in the sketch
  4. Review the business problem, goals, and success metrics so everyone knows what the voting criteria is and remind the team this is a deciding vote.
  5. Give each team member three votes