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Narrate the Storyboard

Voltage Control
Facilitating transformation through conversations that matter

The Facilitator begins the prototyping day by narrating the storyboard, while the team listens and follows along. Use Expo markers and post-its to capture jobs needed. (Remember: this is not a playback. Do no redesign the storyboard or introduce new ideas.)


  • Recap progress quickly.
  • Capture points of interest from the team.
  • Build alignment on prototype expectations.
  • Generate additional jobs that need to be completed for the prototype.

For more resources, visit Voltage Control

20 mins
Sprint Type


  1. Quickly recap progress to date by reading the storyboard from the perspective of an interview subject.
  2. Simultaneously, the team takes individual notes to remind themselves of tasks that need to be completed.
  3. After the recap, the facilitator or stitcher captures additional jobs to add to the Kanban board.