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Prototype Playback

Voltage Control
Facilitating transformation through conversations that matter

The interview moderator clicks through the prototype and reviews each screen. He or she talks about the related tasks and identifies revisions needed. The stitcher captures the revisions and is responsible for delegating tasks to complete prototype updates.


  • Keep the user’s path top of mind to eliminate unnecessary work.
  • Identify gaps or missing elements that are necessary to create a high fidelity experience.
  • Orient the team around successes throughout the day to keep the energy high.
  • Share the results with stakeholders to keep them informed about progress throughout the day.

For more resources, visit Voltage Control

15 mins
Sprint Type


  1. Spend no longer than 1-3 minutes narrating the prototype from the perspective of the user.
  2. Share the key tasks and questions that the interview subject will be asked.
  3. Add any errors or changes as jobs on the Kanban board.
  4. Talk about the wrap-up and debrief questions.