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Score the Interview

Voltage Control
Facilitating transformation through conversations that matter

The Voltage Control Scorecard is a shared Google Sheet that all of your interview observers can use to take interview notes simultaneously. Start with digital notes so you don’t have to type up a bunch of handwritten notes later. Assign a worksheet to each sprinter, so everyone has their own workspace, yet can see each other’s work.


  • Eliminate the need to transcribe Post-its or other analog note-taking methods.
  • Make interview outcomes and results instantly visible.
  • Timestamps make it easier to review the interview recordings afterward.
  • A shared team workspace creates more transparency.
45 min mins
Sprint Type


  1. Open your scorecard.
  2. Click on the worksheet with your name on it.
  3. At the top, you’ll see columns for each tester and the rows of Y/N questions. On the bottom, you’ll see an empty section for recording insights.
  4. Take a moment to read each of the Y/N questions.
  5. While observing the interview, if you can confidently answer any of the Y/N questions with a Yes or No, record your answer. If the tester wasn’t completely clear or said contradictory things, mark that question with a “?” for that question. If the topic didn’t come up at all, leave it empty.
  6. When you hear interesting, provocative, or concerning things from the testers, record them in the insights section at the bottom.
  7. For each insight, use the drop down to select the current tester’s name, enter the timestamp using the hotkey, and type in the insight.
  8. Repeat for all interviews.