All Recipes

Method Recipe

Invent, iterate, and quickly decide on a path forward

Turn a typical brainstorm on its head by silently collaborating to come up with ideas, then vote as a group to highlight the most promising directions.

LUMA Institute
Empowering innovation around the world

Method Recipe

Generate a broad range of solutions to a small challenge

This short format workshop is useful when a team has a narrowly scoped challenge but a number of stakeholders with different ideas on how to solve it. By bringing together a cross-functional (UX, ENG, Product) group the team can align more quickly on the best solutions to pursue and quickly expand the potential solutions available for testing.

Core Method
Collected by Google

Method Recipe

Align a team on near-term priorities

Solicit opinions across a team in order to identify themes and transform them into a shared plan of action.

LUMA Institute
Empowering innovation around the world

Method Recipe

Collaborative Rapid Prototyping

Prototyping is where all the ideas come to life. Storyboarding locks in our prototyping plan, which we have to execute in one day. This recipe allows various makers to contribute to a digital prototype in parallel, which leads to building deeper and more involved prototypes.

Voltage Control
Facilitating transformation through conversations that matter

Method Recipe

Pick the right challenges to focus on

This set of exercises can be used during the understand stage of a design sprint to define and select challenges that are more customer centric. By using Job Stories as a way to list and select promising opportunities, you can shift the focus of the conversation to the customer’s situations and motivations and solve for problems that are critical to them.

Neha Saigal
Founder & CEO of N5

Method Recipe

Plan, execute and synthesize highly-insightful user interviews

The interview is where your prototype is tested. A deliberate, scientific approach is critical. A consistent process and unbiased mindset yield realistic feedback. Effective scoring gives clarity to the results and primes you to make strategic decisions.

Voltage Control
Facilitating transformation through conversations that matter

Method Recipe

Unlock Sprints™

A cross-functional practice for rapidly discovering and activating opportunities for insight-driven growth.

Sudden Compass®
Putting customer centricity into practice